Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Pound Pebbles

I am a Pinterest-olic and this is one of the ideas I found while I was surfing. I thought it would be a great visual to add to my motivation and so I decided to create my own version. As you can see, I just have little glass "pebbles" and each one is worth 1 pound that I want to lose. As I lose a pound I get to transfer it from the the "pounds to lose" to the "pounds lost"; and God forbid I backtrack and gain weight, the reverse is of course plausible as well. Seeing as I made them this morning, there is of course no pebbles in my "pounds lost" jar; however, I did do a small workout this morning and am hoping to work my up to P90X yet. I'm excited and this excitement is carrying me through some better diet choices and some more active mornings.

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